dimecres, 20 de març del 2013

Antoni Gaudí

Un lloc imprescindible d'anar a visitar a Barcelona és el Park Güell. Aquí us deixo informació de l'Antoni Gaudí en anglès.
La família Güell, temps enrrere va contractar a Gaudí perquè fes allà les seves obres d'art.

Antoni Gaudí was born in Riudoms or Reus, on 25th june of 1852, in Barcelona and he died on 10th june of 1926, at 73 years old.
 He was an Spanish architect, the most representative arquitect of the catalan modernism. With a strong intuition and creativy, Gaudí conceived his buildings in a comprehensive manner, serving both structural as funtionals and decorative solutions. He looks to the smallest detail of his creations.
 He knows perfectly all the types of crafts: ceramics, glassware, forging iron, carpentry...He also introduced new techniques in the treatment of materials, like his famous "trencadís" made whit ceramic scrap pieces. Between 1984 and 2005 seven of his works have been considered world heritage by UNESCO.

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